Hello my name is Michelle. I am a mother of 2, a boy who is 4 and a girl who is 3. I currently work full time outside the home and I am taking a leap and starting a business from home so that with in a year I am able to become a work at home mom. I have been working outside the house since my son was 6 weeks old and every day I leave my two angles my heart breaks.

Great ways to help get started working from home.

There are a variety of ways to help you get started and really work your business and here are a few to help you out.

- First you want to get to know your team.  Yes this is important because they are there to guide you and answer any questions you may come across.

- Your next important step is to write down your "WHY." 
If you are asking:  What do you mean my "Why" I want more money!  Well that is great that is a little bit in every ones "why' but what I would like you to do is sit and think, what will really keep you motivated?  What does your heart desire?

Let me share my "WHY" with you:

I am doing this so I can raise my children myself. I love my mother and I know she did what she could but she worked 40+ hours a week and same with my father when I was growing up and they missed a lot. Right now they are raising my children as I sit at my job away from home and I am missing everything. I want to be there for my children, I want to be able to take them to school, help at school, see their plays see their school parties. I don't just want to hear about them, I WANT to experience them myself.

I WANT to be a hands on mom, I want my husband to come home and I have everything ready for dinner, the house clean and be able to tell him what is going on with his family from a first hand experience not from what I heard from my mom/dad or a daycare.

This is what my heart desires and has ever since I had to leave my children 6 weeks after having them.

See my why makes me cry every time I think of it.

Not every one's why will be the same because it is yours.

- Your next step will be to start brain storming.  I am still working on this and from what I am learning you will always be doing this.

Think of everyone you know, actually don't even think just start writing.  This does not mean you are going to call them but as my partner told me it gets your mind flowing.  Let me give you a little hint, write down the phone numbers.  I know you are saying wait you said we aren't necessarily going to contact them!  Well that is true but like I am finding out after you really start making money and you are getting into you excitement more you may and pry will start sharing you opportunity with friends and family.  I know I am.

- From here you will contact you partner, share your why, and your brainstorming list.  If your partner is the type of person who is extremely motivated they will motivate you and start off with telling you how to get the word out about your new business.