Hello my name is Michelle. I am a mother of 2, a boy who is 4 and a girl who is 3. I currently work full time outside the home and I am taking a leap and starting a business from home so that with in a year I am able to become a work at home mom. I have been working outside the house since my son was 6 weeks old and every day I leave my two angles my heart breaks.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hello my name is Michelle. I am a mother of 2, a boy who is 4 and a girl who is 3. I currently work full time outside the home and I am taking a leap and starting a business from home so that with in a year I am able to become a work at home mom. I have been working outside the house since my son was 6 weeks old and every day I leave my two angles my heart breaks.

I love spending as much time with them as possible because we all know that, that time does not last forever. I have missed so much and I DON'T want to miss anymore.

This is my "WHY" for starting my business. I have tried other opportunities but never panned out the way they promised.

I still do my surveys when I am just sitting around watching TV in the evening but they will never be able to replace my current income.

This is why I signed on with Pre-Paid Legal. Our company is a solid company. It has been established for 38 years and publicly traded on the NYSE for 36 years. Just in the last six months our shares have been consistently in the top 20. Consistently in the last eight years we have been featured in Forbes as on of the top 100 (#66) small business' to work for. Not to mention we have been publicly called out saying that WE HAVE THE BEST COMPENSATION PLAN for work at home associates. Even though we have been established for 38 years we are beginning to explode. We have been predicted to grow 58% within the next 8 to 10 years. Now that is amazing.

With these facts it was a no brainier.

I have been with Pre-Paid Legal for approximately 14 days and already have had great results. My team "Team Freedom" is awesome. They are their for me WHENEVER I need them. That is right whenever. I could need someone late in the evening and still have someone more than willing to answer my questions and help me through what ever I may be stumbling over.

I love this company and my team I can't say enough about.

Monday, April 19, 2010

"In our Society today, it is better to be guilty and rich than to be innocent and poor."

That comment was made to the world during a feature on the ABC program, Nightline. It is a statement that is as true as it is disappointing. The fact is “Equal Justice Under Law” is just not true. In actuality, such equality has been available only to those who could afford it. The purpose of this collection of letters is to showcase the solution.
Reading these letters, you will learn through several firsthand accounts how our members have utilized our product. You’ll read how they saved themselves and their families time, money, and stress. Many of the stories include dramatic recounts of the circumstances surrounding their legal situation, while others simply illustrate the value of having legal advice a phone call away no matter how seemingly trivial the topic might be.
We know the wealthiest 10 percent of the population keep their own legal teams on retainer. Conversely, the bottom 10 percent are provided access to the public defender system. It is our goal to make sure the 80 percent in between have a legal voice, and that “Equal Justice Under Law” is a reality for them also!
Harland C. Stonecipher Chairman, CEO and Founder Pre-Paid Legal Services ®, Inc.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A great WAH business that benefits you more than you know.

Prepaid Legal is able to benefit you from more than one angle.

This is a company that offers it members and associates 24/7 legal help. This includes anything from questions on defective products, wills, divorces and financial guidance just to list a few. This also offers phone access to the attorneys if needed letters from attorneys and so on.

To share an actual story. An associate that started with the company approximately 7 years ago decided to put this product to a test. He was having constant problems with a printer that he purchased to the point that he returned it to the company 3 times for repairs or replacement. Each time the printer was replaced with a refurbished one. So this associated called his 24/7 hot line and spoke to an attorney about this. To make this short the attorney felt the need to write a letter from the law firm to this company to help settle the problem for this member. Shortly after receipt of the letter the associate received a brand new printer $150.00 value with no more questions or problems.

This shows how powerful your membership is. If this gentlemen went to an attorney or a law firm in his area he would have paid up into the range of 100 to 1000 for what he just had accomplished for a measly 36.00.

Not only do you receive your 24/7 access to a law firm you also receive Identity Theft protection. As we all know, this is a rapidly growing problem in the United States. I do believe that as time goes on and the continuing of job loss this problem will only grow. Now you tell me wouldn't it be nice to know that you are a step ahead on protecting your family and identity.

Prepaid Legal has been around for 30 years and is traded on the NYSE. This highly visual company has been in the spot light for a top 100 work at home business. They are currently rated #66. They have also been featured in Newsweek, Money and Forbes just to name a few prominent business magazines.

This is a company that you can count on to expand with a great reputation you can not go wrong.

A big step of faith.

Beginning to work at home is a choice that is very hard to make. You get so excited when you begin or when you finally make that choice but then what happens? You start to get scared. Where do you begin? What is important to become successful? What if your warm market is not so acceptable? What do you do?

You panic.

You don't need to deal with this stress on top of everything else going on in your life. This is when you turn to your sponsor or up line. They are there to help you get started and learn how to grow. Think about it, they don't want you to fail because if you fail it only hurts them. They want to see you succeed cause if you succeed it adds to there income.

A lot of people that are looking for work at home opportunities push off the MLM opportunity. I believe this is an over site on their part. When you find the right company with an up line that only succeeds when you do is when you will receive the guidance and mentoring you really need to accomplish you dream.

You also want to find a company that has this in place, has a great emphasis on people and relationships and not just numbers. If the product you are representing not only works for someone else but will benefit you is a plus. If you can also find a company that shows longevity, great growth rate and is publicly traded. You just hit the jack pot.

This has been found in Prepaid Legal. Team Freedom cares about their members. The up line is there for you for any question no matter how dumb you think it maybe. We are the fastest growing division in this 30 year old company and we have produced the greatest number of 6 figure income earns in the past 1 to 2 years.

My personal experience is that the claim of up line support and friendships that I am making are the strongest I have found from any at home business that i have tried.

We are here for support even when you significant other or family does not believe that it can be done.