Hello my name is Michelle. I am a mother of 2, a boy who is 4 and a girl who is 3. I currently work full time outside the home and I am taking a leap and starting a business from home so that with in a year I am able to become a work at home mom. I have been working outside the house since my son was 6 weeks old and every day I leave my two angles my heart breaks.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The first full months success story.

Well last month was a very successful month for me. Just working 5 to 10 hours a week I proved to myself that I have finally found a company that really cares if we succeed.
I also find myself with all the help from my support team I have been paid over 500 to 700 dollars that definitly came in handy due to an unexpected accident. LOL. Then again are they ever expected.
So as I sit here I began to wonder, what does our statistics look like already for the year 2010 in the area of Identity Theft and Lawsuits.
Here are my findings:
incidences of the crime increased by 11% from 2008 to 2009 effecting 11 million Americans. with that said we are looking at one in every 20 Americans risks being a victim this year. Who knows? It may prove to be even worse than that over time.
Whether your odds are one in 20 or one in four for becoming an identity theft victim this year, those are pretty high odds; high enough that they should encourage you to act.
Identity theft is not to be taken lightly, protect yourself today!
the odds go up considerably if you are a young adult.
You are also more at risk to be a victim of fraud if you get a letter in the mail from a company that has access to your personal information stating you’ve been a victim of a data breach. While these letters are, unfortunately, becoming pretty commonplace, it’s important to pay close attention to them and not simply drop them in the recycling or the trash.
Now turning to lawsuits just from January 1st of 2010 the statistics are showing 3825 total lawsuits for 2010,
We accept the fact that we need auto insurance and health insurance just incase we get into an accident or when we need to go to the doctor.
But why haven't we accepted that fact that it is now time to protect ourselves on the legal front also? There is one thing that is ours and is unable to be replaced is our identity. Why do we take the chance?

Friday, May 21, 2010

7 days till the end of the GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY.

We are reaching the end of the month, and so is our special start up price. We are currently offering you start up kit and success books for 70% off the normal price.

We are determined to keep our cost down by help families work from home. We are a very family oriented company. Just check out our product. We believe in family safety on the legal front and on your identity front.

How would you like to be the one who gets to present this product to the family that actually needs it? This is a great product and you can share it with everyone just like you do with a meal you find you like.

We do not push, we just inform. So if you like to chat this is great. You get to make friends and money while paying forward protection.

We have been named THE BEST Compensation Plan there is!

They offer Daily Direct Deposit

We offer DIRECT ACCESS to your complete Director AND Executive Support line 24/7..We ARE the Number 1 team in the Entire Business

What you will RECEIVE*
3 free Websites*
Free Training and Top support*
Unlimited access to everyone and every tool needed**

Go to my Private Business Reception now
Or information:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

5 - 10 hours a week? REALLY?


Every day we hear people say they WANT MORE free time and they WANT MORE money. However, too many are quick to use the excuses "BUT, I don't have enough time" or "BUT, I don't have enough money"... so they never even take that first step toward changing their situation.If only they realized they CAN change their situation...with just 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there...and a business investment which is less than what they'll probably spend on silly things over the next 30 days anyway, and won't remember 3 years from now. However, if that same investment changed their lives forever, they'd never forget it.

How does it work?Imagine you had just 10 people over the next few days listen to a 5 minute recorded message. It takes a few seconds for YOU to say, "Hey - you may or may not be interested, but, listen to THIS" (also available at 1-512-703-6148). You don't have to know the facts, the stats or the details, just the telephone number.Most sharp people who listen to that call like what they hear and want to learn more. So, it'll take you about a minute more to say, "Great! Grab a pen - here's a website I want you to see for the full overview" and give them http://www.wahdreams/.

When the people you've shared information with have questions, you introduce them by phone to one of the many, many experts to answer questions for you. This is how you learn while you earn!When questions are answered, and those you've shared information with are ready to get started, they enroll at your website and YOU GET PAID the next day.

Think about it - that process didn't take a lot of YOUR time, yet, it earned you some very nice cash - anywhere from $34 - $252!That's what you call leveraging your time.Now, what if you had 10, 20 or 30 people on your team repeating that process with people they know? That wouldn't take any of your time, yet, when they got paid, you earn even more in overrides - anywhere from $34 - $217, paid the next day.That's what you call leveraging your income.Over time, the book of business you AND your team grow will continue to pay you long-term, for as long as that business is on the books.

This is thanks to true renewal income - a strong part of the compensation plan! Up to 40% of each upfront commission earned is paid out annually for the life of each membership. This is the best "retirement plan" around.That's what you call time and financial freedom.

Start creating leverage in your life today...and you may never again have to say "I don't have enough money" or "I don't have enough time".We'll teach you how to have success with our company, and we'll help each step of the way...Ready to get started? The Associate who shared this information with you can direct you to their website to enroll as a member and Associate yourself. Your own personal Pre-Paid Legal website will be activated by the time your online application is complete, which means you can start earning income immediately.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Who said this was going to be easy?

Who ever said that working from Home is easy? They are totally out of the loop. To tell you the truth working outside the home is hard because you miss alot with your family but you know that when the day is done you can walk away from everything.

Today is a slow day. I am just starting to try and build my business and yes I am frustrated. I keep thinking about my little ones at home with my family and where am I? I am at work. This is truly what keeps me trying.

I am just like everyone else, I have obstacles to get over, like self confidence. I am shy and timid. I have trouble approaching people. I always feel like I am bothering them. Guess what I am sitting here typing this and realized that I am never going to get anywhere with this if I don't snap out of it. LOL

So I am on my way to send some info to some contacts and call my partner and have her help me like she always does.

Friday, May 7, 2010

A task that takes abit of work but is worth it.

An at home business is not just fun and games. It does take work. The only thing is, is once you are set up and your name is out there in the community and on the marketing scene it will all be worth it.

I am constantly trying to find new places to post, to network, or leave my flyer's. As I am working on this I sometimes feel that I am only hitting less than 1% of the potential market. So what am I trying to tell you? This is something that you need to work on daily along with other duties like recruiting or selling. It all depends on what your business is.

Here with Pre-paid Legal I look constantly for new networking opportunities and advertising. I have recently start looking in trial advertising like working with companies that give you a 1 month trial from when you go live before you will be charged anything. Of course I make sure that I can cancel for any reason at anytime with no charges.

I have also gone to yahoo, google and other search engines that I can find free advertising opportunity or that offer you a coupon to try them out. I figure even if it is only out there for a month (free) with one source it is more than I had before. Then I just keep looking for more opportunities.

You really need to spread yourself out in the networking market otherwise if you only stick with one or two you will not find many new prospects because they have all seen your offers and ads.
Don't get me wrong don't abandon them just keep trying to expand.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hello my name is Michelle. I am a mother of 2, a boy who is 4 and a girl who is 3. I currently work full time outside the home and I am taking a leap and starting a business from home so that with in a year I am able to become a work at home mom. I have been working outside the house since my son was 6 weeks old and every day I leave my two angles my heart breaks.

I love spending as much time with them as possible because we all know that, that time does not last forever. I have missed so much and I DON'T want to miss anymore.

This is my "WHY" for starting my business. I have tried other opportunities but never panned out the way they promised.

I still do my surveys when I am just sitting around watching TV in the evening but they will never be able to replace my current income.

This is why I signed on with Pre-Paid Legal. Our company is a solid company. It has been established for 38 years and publicly traded on the NYSE for 36 years. Just in the last six months our shares have been consistently in the top 20. Consistently in the last eight years we have been featured in Forbes as on of the top 100 (#66) small business' to work for. Not to mention we have been publicly called out saying that WE HAVE THE BEST COMPENSATION PLAN for work at home associates. Even though we have been established for 38 years we are beginning to explode. We have been predicted to grow 58% within the next 8 to 10 years. Now that is amazing.

With these facts it was a no brainier.

I have been with Pre-Paid Legal for approximately 14 days and already have had great results. My team "Team Freedom" is awesome. They are their for me WHENEVER I need them. That is right whenever. I could need someone late in the evening and still have someone more than willing to answer my questions and help me through what ever I may be stumbling over.

I love this company and my team I can't say enough about.

Monday, April 19, 2010

"In our Society today, it is better to be guilty and rich than to be innocent and poor."

That comment was made to the world during a feature on the ABC program, Nightline. It is a statement that is as true as it is disappointing. The fact is “Equal Justice Under Law” is just not true. In actuality, such equality has been available only to those who could afford it. The purpose of this collection of letters is to showcase the solution.
Reading these letters, you will learn through several firsthand accounts how our members have utilized our product. You’ll read how they saved themselves and their families time, money, and stress. Many of the stories include dramatic recounts of the circumstances surrounding their legal situation, while others simply illustrate the value of having legal advice a phone call away no matter how seemingly trivial the topic might be.
We know the wealthiest 10 percent of the population keep their own legal teams on retainer. Conversely, the bottom 10 percent are provided access to the public defender system. It is our goal to make sure the 80 percent in between have a legal voice, and that “Equal Justice Under Law” is a reality for them also!
Harland C. Stonecipher Chairman, CEO and Founder Pre-Paid Legal Services ®, Inc.